Joe's pastor said to him one day after listening to his pathetic story of his desire to rise, but afraid to take the risk;
"Brother Joe, faith is what gives you confidence to take risk. You win by taking risk with God"!

"Risk? Even when I'm unsure of what the outcome would be?" Joe retorted!

"Yes! That's the only way to getting things done. You must therefore keep these in mind", Joe's Paster replied.

Faith is a profound experience. It begets trust, confidence, and boldness. Faith transcends the natural. It is a divine gift which births a sense of hope; an assurance that everything is going to be alright and that your trying times are going to be over.

  You can find faith and take risk if only you eschew fear, revenge, hurt, and readily forgive all faults. Understandably, it’s not easy, you might have suffered abuses or assaults,  tempted to conclude that you are empty, useless, or worthless,  and thereby resort to vengeful vendettas. It is also understandable if you are wallowing in the mire of self-blame sequel to a past mistakes that you made after realizing what you could have done or shouldn't have done.  

 Have you ever prayed, fasted, spent our every dime you had in other for our loved ones to recover from that dreadful disease, but yet, it seemed like heaven was shut, and consequently it shut out your faith?  Many Christians have lost their faith to unanswered prayers,  carry feeling of rejection melted on them, with aura of a nonentity that hung around them,  even from those they hold dear, and in some way they submit to seeing themselves in the pictures they have painted,  supporting and bringing to absurdity their very faith, dreams,  and aspirations. 
  You may have suffered unanswered prayers, heartbroken, delayed  and  disappointed; pretended to be happy and healthy on the outside, whilst dying on the inside, and confessing daily that "It Is Well", Concluding afterwards that it's God's will for your life. No! that is not true. God may allowed those things to happen to you for His name to be glorified, but He couldn't have designed your end that way. He said that He knows the plans he has for you, good plans to give you and expected end.

Many Christians want things to be very easy but, God only promise possibility not ease. They only prayed; they don't keep asking, knocking and seeking. You know why? They don't have faith. They couldn't take risks without faith. 

Sometimes, even having the smallest connection to your future can help you to find faith and take risk. 
 It’s not always easy navigating who we are for who we want to be- but in the end, it’s the faith that we have that will get us there. 

If only you can have  faith in God, trust me,  everything would turn out for your own good, with your fears and insecurities eased and ousted; courage and determination built within you  to see you through the storm and then rise to live with renewed vigor and reasons to live and not merely survive,  leaving imprints on the sands of time. 


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  1. Interesting. Great platform

  2. You're growing higher ma
    And I wish you more wisdom.

  3. Woman of God I can see God talking you to places, more inspiration from the Holy one.

  4. Its indeed a wonderful piece ....keep the flag up ma.

  5. You are always inspiring and motivating with your videos and posts, I can see you going places. Keep up the good work, the sky is within your reach. Ooin, you are doing well Martha.

  6. Ze journey so far.
    This is just ze beginning.
