3 Facts You Must Know About Life!

1 :Life is not forever:

Have you ever heard of the word, "YOLO"? ("You Only Live Once?) 
And that now is the time you have to live that life before life kicks you out?

A lot of people kick the buckets in their sleep, as they end up sleeping into death; while for some, they kick the bucket by encountering abrupt unforeseen cause of events like ghastly motor accidents, minor accidents even in the home, or slight or terrible communicable or non-communicable diseases. 
The "Present" is the only moment that is promised, we only hope for the future(Tomorrow). Tomorrow they say is only but an extension of today. So the question is, "how many are certain of tomorrow?" 
It is very important that you suitably harness and maximize your today, by using up all your inherent potentials which are deposited and invested into you by the Creator. 
  • Live Each day like it's your last.
  • Show some love like you have got forever to do that.
  •  Put smiles on someone's face today.
  • Dare those things you dread.
  • Leave that cage of limitations and step on life's freedom stage which has been set up for you. 
Do not add to the wealth of the grave, instead, choose to die empty. Choose to Truly Live rather than merely existing. 
Those who truly live are those who make impacts. Life after now is the life that truly matters. Why not live the life worthy of emulations, a life Heaven and Earth will be proud of. 

Now Is The Time To Truly Start Living!

 2: Life response only to those who make moves:

              Life does not just happen, it happens on purpose. LIFE has got its purpose, and that is, to serve. Life gives back to us whatever it is we emit or transmit into it. 
In life, you do not just sit and watch things happen, neither should you be the one who sits and wonder what happens; instead, be the one who makes things happen. Things move only when you apply a force. Make a move today towards your dreams, towards your goal, towards success, and towards that plan of yours, and watch as things begin to respond to your positive release and moves. 
The Earth they say is moving so fast that it looks like a Constant. Note the word "Like a Constant", which means the fact that we do not rotate alongside the earth doesn't mean that the earth isn't moving. Even the earth makes a move. 
It's Time To Awake From Your Slumber and Makes A Move!
"Even Dreams Comes to Pass Only To Those Who Wake Up Early To Pursue Theirs!"

3: Life Is Vanity:

Nothing in life lasts forever, not even human. Both living and the none living things have got their end. Death is the final stage of Life. 
Vanity upon Vanity says the Preacher is Vanity. Your Wealth, Your Numerous exotic houses and cars, your beauty, gorgeous dresses, designers' shoes, and most importantly, your Breath, is Vanity. The Grave is the final destination for all, both the rich and the impoverished. Do not allow all your earthly possessions to control or becloud your sense of reasoning. Do not Sacrifice your tomorrow on the alter of today, all in a bid to acquire strange wealth which you will eventually live behind. 
Nevertheless, no matter the wealth you amass, ensure you live right and thread with caution. It is not all soups that have got a lovely and captivating aroma that taste nice. The fact that something is good doesn't mean it is right.
Live Your Best Version Now and Today!
Do not take life too subjective!
Live Life by Making Impacts.
It is the impacts we make that Outlives our lives when we are gone

Check out this video by clicking on the link below for more explanation, as you get inspired.


